Mina Sidibe
HSE Boys Varsity Soccer defeats Perry Meridian 4-1 at home on September 21st.
With the IHSAA State Tournament rapidly approaching, the HSE Boys Varsity Soccer is doing all they can to prepare.
Ameer Abu-Salih, a senior, says that he’s feeling “very excited for the state tournament”, and that as a team he feels that they are “extremely prepared.” After winning the Hoosier Roads Conference, he feels as though the team has “found a rhythm in their season.”
Although the team is currently undefeated and ranked number 1 in their conference, they are still preparing vigorously in order to win the State Tournament. When asked how the team has been preparing for the tournament, Ameer explained that “The practices have been extremely more strict.”
The HSE Boys Varsity Soccer team is looking forward to not only winning the State Tournament, but also learning from it. Ameer states that, “After the tournament is over, HSE soccer will look forward to reaping the everlasting benefits that the class of 2025 put in place through activities in and out of soccer, such as our tutoring and reading programs.” The team’s aspiration for after the tournament is one of the many things that motivates them to prepare to win.
The team remains undeniably focused on their ultimate goal, which Ameer sums up perfectly, “Our goal is to simply win it all, and do our best.” The tournament begins October 7th, and the HSE Boys Varsity Soccer Team is prepared to take home the win.